I want to include a unique reference number in my email to customers for each booking, so that for each order, the customer could print off their email and use it as an E-ticket.

Here’s what you would need to do: Edit booking.processing.php or booking.event.processing.php. At the top of the code after require_once("includes/config.php"), add a new variable like $random =rand(10000,999999); This will create a random number between 10000 and 999999.

You can also add some random letters for uniqueness. Then search for sendMail($adminMail in that file, and above the “found” string, you will see the $data variable with various values. Edit it by adding another line like that and use $random variable as value.

The text on the left side is the short code which can be used in emailTemplates/timeBookingConfirmationAdmin.php (timeBookingConfirmationCustomer.php, eventBookingConfirmationAdmin.php, eventBookingConfirmationCustomer.php) to send that variable to admin/customer.

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