I would like to add bookingwizz calendar to HTML page instead of PHP page. Is this possible?

Yes, it is possible. In this case you would need to enable PHP code processing in your HTML pages through .htaccess file (and of course your hosting account must have PHP enabled). Try adding (or editing, if you have it already) .htaccess – and add this line of code to it:
addType application/x-httpd-php .htm .html
Save the file and re-upload to your FTP.
Then try adding this code in your html file:
<?php include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/booking/calendar.php"); ?>
If it will work – you should see calendar instead of this code. If it won’t work – you’ll see the code which you added as a plain text, instead of a calendar (in this case – contact your hosting provider and ask them to enable PHP code processing in your HTML files)

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